Celebrating the Private Sector Contributions to Post 9/11 Economic Rejevenation

This being the week where the U.S. marks the 10th year of the 9-11 attacks, I want to give an earnest shout-out to the men and women in the private sector of the workforce. I want to ensure they get their due. They, we, broke our arses getting our businesses up and running.

From the employees at the New York Stock Exchange to get the marque stock exchange up and running, to the unionized and non-union employees at Verizon and Con Edision who got the telecommunications and electricity, respectively, back up.  We can’t do squat without those services.

The local vendors near Ground Zero who provided food, beverage, toiletries, and everything else we needed to sustain ourselves.

A special mention to the employees who lost their colleagues to the attack. Fred Alger Management, Cantor Fitzgerald, Marsh & McLennan lost several employees and equipment and had to put their firms back together from the ground up.

I apologize for not identifying everyone else — the salute goes out to you just as much.

And now a little head-banging rock to punctuate to point: AC/DCs For Those About to Rock (we salute you).

Here’s Ira Stoll on how capitalism helped save lower Manhattan.